The black silky way
Wednesday, February 21, 2024 12:03 PM IST
Miles and miles long
Ups and downs, straight and wavy
Through the mountains and the Valley
Over the river, through the tunnel
Across the meadow, crossing the desert.
Goes on and on, the black silky way...
Big and small, in all colors
Beautiful, branded, or bare minimum
Racing or pacing along...
Over the bumps and speed breakers
Goes along the black silky way...
Competing the race...
Not knowing who’s on the way.
Some pass by , some stay along
Anxious to meet loved once...
Heartbroken on departure...
Fearful new once or old retired folks
Steering the wheel... Moving along the black silky way...
Destination being the same.
Some in a hurry, missing the beauty.
Other’s care less, enjoying the moment.
Thrilled ones, embracing the challenge.
While others exhausted and tired
Fighting for survival... on the black silky way
Some sneak in, other’s give way...
Over taking and rejoicing
Not realizing the fetal end
Careful once, following rules.
Not spared the tragic end... on the black silky way
Tornado and rain, snow, or hail
show no Mercy!
Moment of distraction, blink of an eye
Cost limb or life….
Smooth and peaceful journey, shortlived
Bumpertobumper, makes journey slow.
Not knowing when journey ends
Till then have to stroll... The silky black way...
Bindu Santhosh